See what shoppers are searching for on Etsy and find the top keywords for your listing with our free keyword research tool. The tool will analyze your chosen keyword and show you how it performs with a range of statistics such as views, sales and more. Explore related keywords and add any high performers to your listings to increase sales.
We analyze your keyword and show you a range of statistics on its performance. You'll be able to see views, sales, competing listing and more.
The key value here is our recommendation score. The higher the score, the more we recommendation you use this keyword. We use math to calculate this value based on a number of factors. In summary, we look for keywords with high views and a low number of competing listings. These are keywords with the most potential as they're effectively untapped.
Keywords are the main factor Etsy considers when determining where to rank your item in search. While you can manually come up with tags and keywords off the top of your head, it's better to take the guesswork out of it by using our Etsy keyword research tools.
In summary, by using the right keywords to describe your product, more customers will find your product and your sales will increase.